October is National Pizza Month. Create a pizza you think no one would eat! Describe the combination of ingredients that make it so unappetizing. I would make a pizza with too much calcvies. sausoge, spinach, blogna steak ketchur blood peanut butter and snapp6.
While walking home you see a creepy old house that you've never seen before. What do you think you would see if you took a look inside the house?
I think the house is haunted.
I would see the undtaker and kane.
I think would see an old map a bat a ghost and a mummy
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Today I started my fitness test, with Coach Mike. My classes first test was sit ups. We did this test in the old gym. On Friday I will change and then go out to the track. I will run two laps on the track. Then I will go in the gym and be testeed on push ups.
October is the tenth month. Write 10 nice things you have done this year:
1 I am popluar 2 I am nice to girls. 3. I am a part of the somers football team 4. I do fitness with coach mike and mr. mullen 5. amy is my girlfriend 6. austin is my cousin he is a smart boy 7. d-bo is my friend on the football team 8. greg is my sister's boyfriend. He cares for my sister 9.jeff is my dad he is my favorite buddy 10.jessica is my special one
October is National Popcorn Poppin' Month. Think of at least three foods that have the word pop in them. List them and write what you think about those foods .